Thesis topics

Our students can choose from the thesis topics listed below. The most important information about the writing and defense of the thesis can be found here:


Recommended thesis topics:

1. The importance and evaluation of drug-drug interactions 1.
Supervisor: Dr. Róbert Vida Associate Professor, Dr. Anna Somogyi-Végh Pharmacologist

2. The importance and evaluation of drug-drug interactions 2.
Supervisor: Dr. Lajos Botz Full Professor, Dr. Anna Somogyi-Végh Pharmacologist

3. The compatibility of infusions and injection in hospital pharmacy
Supervisor: Dr. Róbert Vida Associate Professor, Szilvia Szabóné Dr. Schirm Pharmacologist

4. The current situation and the dangers of Internet pharmacies, professional evaluation medhods of online pharmacies
Supervisor: Dr. András Fittler Associate Professor

5. The pharmaceutical care of iflammatory bowel diseases
Supervisor: Dr. Róbert Vida Associate Professor

6. The evaluation of drug-dietary supplement interactions
Supervisor: Dr. Róbert Vida Associate Professor, Dr. Anna Somogyi-Végh Pharmacologist

7. The pharmaceutical care of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
Supervisor: Dr. Róbert Vida Associate Professor

8. The pharmaceutical care of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
Supervisor: Dr. Róbert Vida Associate Professor

9. The pharmaceutical care of asthma
Supervisor: Dr. Róbert Vida Associate Professor

10. Drug shortages: risk factors and reporting systems - Also available for BSc Biotechnology students
Supervisor: Dr. Róbert Vida Associate Professor

11. The evaluation of monoclonal antibodies drug-drug interactions - Also available for BSc Biotechnology students
Supervisor: Dr. Róbert Vida Associate Professor, Dr. Anna Somogyi-Végh Pharmacologist

12. History and future of pharmacy education and the pharmacy profession
Supervisor: Dr. András Fittler Associate Professor

13. The identification of cases related to counterfeit or illegal medicinal products
Supervisor: Dr. Róbert Vida Associate Professor

14. Sustainable Pharmacy - Environmental Aspects of Safe Pharmaceutical Use (Ecopharmacovigilance) - Also available for BSc Biotechnology students
Dr. András Fittler Associate Professor, Dr. Gábor Maász external collaborator


Thesis abstract presentation

The preparation of the thesis is supported by a well-established thesis abstract presentation, which can be downloaded here, and helps the students to think through a few key questions. On the basis of the above sample slide, our students prepares for a max. 5-10 minute presentation which will be presented and discussed at a pre-arranged time at the Department of Pharmaceutics. The presentation should be agreed in advance with the consultant or the staff of the Department.